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Trip to Marina via Train

I was in one word Disappointed.

        I was flat out disappointed by me ride as I embarked on It. Where do I want to start, first off I was in a group of 5, We had plan to go on the trip the previous day and we agree to meet by 10am. The first half of the group meet at the AP filling station ojo. Getting there my exactly 9.40am the others were waiting and at around 10:10am we move.  We enter a bus going to mile 2 the closer train station to LASU. Now this was the begining of my disappointment as LASU is  state University with over 40,000 students who are coming and going to different walk of life,place but the government decide to stop their development at Mile 2. 

        Upon arriving at Mile 2, i and the others decide to wait for the other half of the group which to over half an hour standing, this was another cause of my profound disappointment, after we all meet at the terminal. Where we have to buy the ID card where will later be loaded with money for the train ticket. It was a short wait as there was not a lot of passengers buy or recharge their ID. Register my name with the cashier who after some information exchange, she gave me 1 plastic ID and recharged it for me. The ID was 500 naira only and can be recharge with any amount over 100 naria according to the cashier. 

        As I and my group have registered, we hard to the terminal gate where we scanned our ID and was deducted the ride fee, an officer instructed us on going down the stairs which will lead us to our train. Arriving at the waiting area, I noticed that there was no chair which leave people moving about sitting or the stair way. These actions are dangerous one reason being the train track is electrified. After waiting for over 40 minutes, the train finally arrived, and we board. And we had to sit there for another 20 minutes waiting for other passengers, why I'm mentioning this was because it will be relevance in the next few lines as you read on, and after the 20 minutes the door close up and we move. As we are moving my first comment was oh my god this is so slow because from where I was sitting I can see other vehicle passing us by and while I was led to believe this is the fastest land transportation in Lagos other small vehicles were passing us by and immediately that moving I also start a timer on my phone which will become relevant soon. 

        As we move through the lane the train and my group was quiet now open arriving at Marina we are alight the train and and I approached an officer tell her I need to get back to Mile 2 she said I have to rush down to the gate sign out and then sign back in so as to  not miss this had me confused as I believe the train with four other passengers to board for about 20 minutes before leaving which happened to me at Mile 2 but that was not the case here as me and my group we are rushing to get back on the train because if we are to miss this train the next one is around 5pm we got to the gate where we sign out and everybody was signing out I said I noticed some people were being instructed to move to other side because their card was not been verified this happened to one of my teammates and she was trying to sign out the computer kept rejecting her card she had to remove one side and attended to by another officer while she was being directed to move to another part and the officer I had told that we are leaving to go back to Mile 2 was telling me and my group that we need to run and she was adamant but I remember the phrase leave no one behind so we had to wait for her to the issue was resolved which i later found out it was because a card payment was not logged although the gates open for her the payment was not logged and for that reason she cannot sign out the solution was that the officers had to log the people in who have this issue manually logged  them back out to charge them for the service. And we quickly scam our card and run so as not to miss the train as we were running I remember the song, I Will run and never be tired.

        As you go back on the train I can see two other guys rushing to enter the train but the door shut in their face well I guess me and my team are lucky to have entered now as we are going back to my to another training pass by my side and at the speed at which the train was traveling then I had known that my train has not been slow but instead traveling so fast that it appeared that slow to me. Now the trip back was much more likely as I assume everyone has gathered their thoughts and fully experience the train ride. 

        The guy I was sitting beside or where who was part of my team a chatty fellow was bringing up good conversation asking about the ideas with generated and all other experience related to the train talking about the Marines and the navy boat we saw. In my mind I was thinking of truly how fast can a train be traveling for her not to have known notice and think the tree was moving slow then I go back to my timer which I have to stop at immediately we got down at at marina can I know the whole trip from Mile 2 Marina was all under 30 minutes exactly 24 minutes 50 seconds which with out any doubt is impressive how far better than what I had expect of course I was not expecting the train to be a bullet train a comment which my colleague card made at the beginning of our journey but but the speed was incredible and another thing to notice is the trade has to control room where by no matter where it is facing or where it is coming from the front of the train is just relative to wherever the train is heading and this is an impressive investment So in all my experience from Mile 2 to Marina was a completely new and impressive experience. 

        For that for that I give thanks to our lecturer my group and my legs for not betraying me when I made the run to quickly get back on the train. So in conclusion the train ride was a marvelous experience


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